
Applicaa Now Manages Year 9 Options!

Lucy Brook

Published in Applicaa | February 6, 2023

Every year schools across the country hand out forms to Year 9 students so they can select their preferred options for the next two years of GCSE studies.

Schools we’ve spoken with are generally managing this process on paper forms, or on basic online forms like Google Forms or similar that don’t connect to the school MIS.

At Applicaa we love to create products to solve issues in schools especially those associated with administration and operations so we set about finding a solution to manage this is a more efficient, online way.

Fast forward a couple of months and we had a working platform to test our new, fully online Year 9 Options system! A distinct advantage of being a lean, agile ed-tech start up, we can create and deliver new functionality at speed and it works really well!! 😍

Following testing of the system by schools, we were able to run our first Year 9 Options webinar to showcase the new product.

This was really exciting and we had 150 people register to attend, we knew we were on to something!

As early-adopters of this new system, we created a special offer for the first 10 schools that signed up. By 4PM the same day, all the offers had been taken up! 😲

Easy Set-Up and Management!

One of the things that makes it easy for schools is our set up process. With this system, we wanted to ensure that schools could get on board quickly and have their system ready for March.

Our CSM team run regular training sessions and offer their world class support which includes an online knowledge base, regular training sessions and webinars and a hard working team of dedicated support and technical agents that ensure schools get the best out of our systems.

Setting up Year 9 Options is a few easy steps!

1. Configure your set up

2. Students select their Year 9 Options online

3. Our system magically places students into classes in the best possible arrangement to meet their chosen subjects 😍(I know, come on!!)

4. Communicate online with your students and their families

The system will automatically create the best timetable arrangement for your students, giving as many students as possible their chosen options.

If you would like to remove hours of time arranging classes into option blocks manually and would like to provide a swift, online system for your students, get set up on our new Year 9 Options!

Email for more information.

Lucy Brook
Lucy Brook

Hello, my name is Lucy, I look after marketing and operations for Applicaa and have worked in education sector marketing since 2012. I have three senior school-age children and have experienced the application process to a variety of different schools over the years including in the UK and the USA and across different stages from nursery to sixth form and different types of schools including state, grammar, and independent.