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Sixth Form Admissions & Enrolment

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Bursary 16+

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Built for schools by experts

Sixth Form Admissions Growth

Engage applicants & save time with the leading online admissions software for a Fast and Efficient Enrolment Day — Get the right students in your sixth form.

Sixth Form Admissions Process

Register online

  • External students self-register on school website
  • Internal students are imported from School MIS and sent welcome emails

Submit application

Applicants complete application forms online, submitting their predicted grades and subject choices

Offers made

After Interview/guidance meeting, School makes offers and Applicants respond online

MIS Import

Import accepted applications to School MIS. The platform make it easier to make and track offers


On Enrolment day, applicants login to submit their grades only with evidence and are then enrolled on to classes.

Places accepted

After Enrolment day, class lists and time table options will be imported into School MIS

Power Up Your Enrolment Day with Admissions+

Try our Sixth Form enrolment day technology. Students apply online, receive their GCSE grades in August, grades are imported, enrolment is completed digitally and timetables and class allocation happens automatically.

Turbo Charge Enrolment Day

Engage applicants & save time with the leading school onboarding software.

  • Auto enrol students who meet grades
  • Communicate with applicants and parents
  • Automatically transfer data to your MIS
  • No manual data entry!

Get ESFA compliant and ensure your students receive the financial support they require with our simple-to-use post-16 bursary management system.

View demo Book a meeting

Bursary16+ Cost Calculator

Did you know? The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has outlined its 2022/23 academic year guidance for managing the 16 to 19 bursary funds in schools.

Contained within this guidance is the advice that schools can use up to 5% of their academic year allocation on administrative costs specifically relating to managing the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund.

Based on the standard bursary fund of £ 1,200.00 per student

Schools processing 20 applications or under get Bursary16+ for free as standard!

This is the administration allowance you still have left over after getting Bursary16+

What’s included?

Administering the post-16 bursary for 6th Form and College students is very time-consuming. Does your school need help with the following?

  • Managing applications for bursaries
  • Checking eligibility
  • Processing multiple receipts
  • Having to authorise bursary payments
  • Communicating with the finance team
  • Keeping track of payments

This can all be a huge task! Allow Applicaa to help by signing up for Bursary16+.

Our Easy Process

Apply online

Parents and students complete online bursary application forms.

Award bursaries

The school receives the electronic application form and reviews it

Upload information

The school can offer the student a bursary online

Authorise payments

Students can make requests online to purchase required items. Requests can be accepted or rejected by the school

Make payments

The finance team can access the approved requests easily online and make the required payments

Get ESFA Compliant

Common errors Bursary 16+ resolution
Bursary fund application forms do not capture necessary evidence to confirm household income Staff can customise form and add mandatory questions for document upload
Evidence to support household income not being retained Uploaded documents are stored securely and readily available on Bursary 16+
Application forms are not completed and signed by students each year Students can easily renew their application each year Bursary 16+ collects digital signatures
Blanket or fixed rate payments being made to students without considering actual need
Eg: awarding £10 a week when travel costs are £3.50
Student requests easily tracked and approved, funds are allocated against specific requests and proof of purchase is obtained.
Issues above recorded from Summary of Audit Errors. Department for education 2021-22 – Click here for more information

The Bursary16+ system is a very well-designed and simple to use system. There are step by step guides on how to setup the system to cater to your school’s requirements.

ESFA Checklist for bursary fund

You should use this checklist when assessing student applications for support from the 16 to 19 bursary Fund.

Eligibility: All Bursaries

  • Student meets the age criteria.
  • Eligible education provision.
  • Student meets the residency criteria for post-16 provision.
  • Evidence of eligibility has been retained.

Bursary for defined vulnerable groups

  • Student falls within one of the defined vulnerable groups, for example in receipt of the specified benefits in their own right or in care/care leaver.
  • Financial needs assessment carried out to confirm actual financial need and amount of support required. No student should automatically receive £1,200.
  • Appropriate evidence seen and copies retained to confirm student’s eligibility.
  • Support awarded in kind (bus pass, meal vouchers, books or equipment purchased on student’s behalf) wherever possible. Receipts should be retained.
  • Support awarded in cash (via BACs) for travel, meals, books or equipment. Receipts should be obtained/retained.
  • Award letter/written agreement issued to student.

Discretionary bursary

  • Evidence to confirm the student meets the institution’s bursary fund criteria, including household income and statement of actual participation costs.
  • Evidence of income and overall eligibility obtained and copies retained.
  • Assessment of student’s actual financial needs carried out. Block, blanket or flat rate payments are not permitted – the bursary award should reflect the actual costs the student has.
  • Support awarded in kind (bus pass, meal vouchers, books or equipment purchased on student’s behalf) wherever possible. Receipts should be retained.
  • Support awarded in cash (via BACs) for travel, meals, books or equipment. Receipts should be obtained/retained.
  • Award letter/written agreement issued to student.


16 to 19 Bursary Fund guide 2022 to 2023 academic year

What do schools say?

The bursary system has been invaluable in managing post-16 bursary applications and gathering confidential evidence. A profile is created for each student to manage their bursary application and confidential evidence. This holds data, evidence, bursary allocations, and all the expenses so we can work much more efficiently.

The communication tools available mean we can tailor personal messages or group emails. There is so much the system offers, including reporting. My school awards 800 bursaries and having the support of Bursary16+ has been the best investment, a brilliant tool for supporting our vulnerable students more effectively.

Michelle Burke

Admissions Officer, Solihull Sixth Form College