
Steady the financial ship with a full Sixth Form 

Lucy Brook

Published in Applicaa | August 23, 2022

Sixth Form - 6. Places Accepted

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the digital transformation of school processes has been staggering. There has been rapid adoption of software to ease workloads teachers and support staff experience. From homework to safeguarding to admissions – all areas of school life are being transformed. 

Enrolment Day has got to be one of the most important days in the school calendar.

Which other day in the school calendar can make or break Sixth Forms finances? 

If it goes well, good students enrol and courses are full. If it goes badly, sixth forms can find themselves in a tricky situation, where they lose their best students to local competitors and some courses become unavailable, or a sixth form becomes unviable and closes.

Having a full sixth form has a positive multiplier effect for the whole school and helps you retain your best students and have high retention rates.

When we created Admissions+ we began to see students and parents as prospects and ultimately customers. Customers who had the choice to take their business to competing sixth forms. 

We recognised that young people are very tech-savvy. Day in and day out they’re using high-quality software in their private lives, Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube, all of which offer a great user experience.

We knew that if they were asked to fill out paper forms, or basic online forms and then had to wait a day or two to find out whether they had been successful it wouldn’t leave the best impression. 

If we created a system where students could easily upload their results, receive almost instant feedback and see if they had been enrolled, it would give students a very positive experience.  

Since piloting Admissions+ at Greenford High School in August 2017 (our first Enrolment Day), we’ve worked hand in glove with Greenford and our other partner schools to develop, iterate and fine tune the Admissions+ system so it becomes better and better, with game-changing features, like the auto-class balancer, which give students and staff a smoother experience.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Admissions+ could help your Sixth Form kick start that positive multiplier effect please get in touch today on 0208 762 0882 or 




Lucy Brook
Lucy Brook

Hello, my name is Lucy, I look after marketing and operations for Applicaa and have worked in education sector marketing since 2012. I have three senior school-age children and have experienced the application process to a variety of different schools over the years including in the UK and the USA and across different stages from nursery to sixth form and different types of schools including state, grammar, and independent.