We are excited to announce the launch of “The National MAT Awards” which will be hosted by the Multi Academy Trust Association (MATA), awarding outstanding achievements and recognising the great work multi-academy trusts do in improving education!
MATA is an organisation launched in 2021, a free association to join for trust leaders to learn and engage with fellow education leaders. There are many benefits to joining, in particular, a feature allowing members to ask anonymous questions via the website which will be answered by fellow MAT leaders and consultants! Part of MATA’s mission is to celebrate the successes and achievements of the MAT system by rewarding outstanding work with the annual “National MAT Awards”. MATs can now enter for free, by downloading the entry form below and sending their forms through to awards@matassociation.org The awards will take place on the evening of “The National MAT Conference” making Thursday 23rd March a day of true collaboration for the multi-academy trust sector. Following the National MAT Conference, there will be a break before dusting off your best glad rags for the awards, doors opening at 6:00 pm!