9:30AM – 9:45AM — Introductions
9:45AM – 10:15AM — Session 1
Year 7 New Student Onboarding & Transition
- Transform your parents’ & incoming pupils’ experience of transition
- Eliminate errors in data collected from Google Forms or Microsoft Forms
- Communicate effectively and efficiently with parents
- Track 2-way comms (Email and SMS)
- Transition tool — collect information from Primary Schools
- Sorting Hat — get the right pupils into the right form groups
- CTF collection from primaries is made easy!
- Import new student records directly into SIMS and other MISs including Bromcom, Arbor, and Progresso in minutes!
10:15AM – 10:45AM — Sessions 2
GSCE Options
- Allow students to choose their options online
- Rank students using defined rules e.g. students can only select one from each group (Humanities: Language, DT, etc.)
- Parents and Head of Departments will be notified of subject choices
- Generate best-fit option blocks automatically
- Parents can confirm they agree with their child’s choices
Coffee Break & Networking – 10 minutes
10:55AM – 11:30AM — Sessions 3
Sixth Form ApplicaaOne
- Helping students save time while finding the right Sixth Form Course
- With One Application, one reference
- MatchingHub: How Sixth Forms can now contact students who are unsuccessful with their first choice