
Virtual Enrolment

Lucy Brook

Published in Applicaa | June 10, 2020

Children’s safety and well-being are key concerns for many parents while learning is continuing online at home for most students. Whilst some year groups have been into school for a couple of weeks, it is not the same in any way as the pre-COVID school landscape.

During the initial lockdown, it was seen that “far fewer children are attending school than expected: initial estimates were that about 10 percent of pupils would continue to come in as the children of key workers, but figures show it is more like 1 percent on average…” (The Times, 29 April 2020)

In this climate, parents may not want their children to travel in on Results Day, and what about Enrolment Day? Indeed, they may not be able to even if parents were supportive.

During this unusual time, we have seen some innovative virtual open days and some very well planned online induction days. Speaking with schools on a daily basis, we understand the many challenges facing staff. At a time of year that would normally be marked by leaving ‘do’s’, prize-givings, proms, and final assemblies, most of these activities cannot take place. Instead, we inhabit a virtual world where friends are distanced and gatherings limited.

It is a challenge indeed.

Our customers, however, have told us they feel confident that they can deliver a slick online enrolment day in August, using our Admissions+ system, they can add students to courses online and automatically create accurate timetables.

Admissions+, used by over 300 schools in the UK, facilitates a virtual enrolment or induction day. With this solution, the experience of parents and students at your schools can be transformed into one of slick, online communications with no paper forms, delivering a quick and efficient enrolment process that can be completed by your prospective families at a time to suit them. Our digital admissions forms can even be completed on a mobile phone. Schools can deliver virtual enrolment days, manage student grade checking, and create online timetables.

“In terms of efficiency saving, it’s crazy not to follow some sort of online system. Admissions+ seems to be the best school admissions system we’ve come across.”

Jeremy D. Jones | Assistant Head, Greenford High School

To date, our schools have reported:

  • increases in efficiency savings
  • enhanced data management
  • superior communication with parents
  • accurate reporting for SLT’s and Governing Bodies
  • and perhaps most importantly, higher enrolment numbers by up to 30%.

For more information about Admissions+ please email Alexia on

Lucy Brook
Lucy Brook

Hello, my name is Lucy, I look after marketing and operations for Applicaa and have worked in education sector marketing since 2012. I have three senior school-age children and have experienced the application process to a variety of different schools over the years including in the UK and the USA and across different stages from nursery to sixth form and different types of schools including state, grammar, and independent.