
Understanding the Crucial Role of Admissions in MATs

Will Conolly

Published in Applicaa | March 12, 2024

If you’ve read any of my previous articles, you’ll know that I Iike to talk about school admissions. As an Assistant Headteacher, I found the topic fascinating and it struck me just how important it was to get it absolutely spot on. I’ve come to realise that how schools run their admissions gives valuable insight into how they operate as an institution. This week, my curiosity has steered me towards Multi-Academy Trusts, or MATs, as they’re commonly known.

Now, through my journey as an educator and my more recent adventures working with various MATs, I’ve stumbled upon some recurring themes. It seems there are four key problems that keep popping up if MAT doesn’t implement a streamlined admissions process across all its academies.

Table of Contents

  • The Importance of Reputation Management
  • Centralisation and Uniformity: A Smart Strategy
  • Maximising Funding Through Admissions
  • Decreasing Staff Workload and Saving Costs

1. The Importance of Reputation Management

You know, when we talk about admissions, it really does all boil down to reputation. Each school in a MAT carries its own little torch, but together, they’re like a beacon. A smooth and slick admissions process? It doesn’t just make one academy look good; it shines on the whole trust.

Imagine being a parent in this scenario. That first brush with a school is pretty much make or break. They’re looking for that gut feeling that says, “Yes, this is the right place for my child.” And it’s that very first experience that lays down the foundation for everything that comes after. Will they trust you? Will they feel engaged?

Then there’s the nuts and bolts of it all – how you gather information, how quickly you get back to people, and just making the whole thing as painless as possible. These details might seem small, but they’re huge in painting a picture of how a trust runs. Do you look like good leaders, who understand parents? Do you appear effective? Do you have students’ best interests at heart?

Well, I haven’t met a group of MAT leaders who aren’t those things. But, it’s all about that first impression from the parents’ point of view. Get it right, and you’ve set yourself up for a relationship built on trust and confidence.

2. Centralisation and Uniformity: A Smart Strategy

Right, next up on the agenda is something I reckon is pretty crucial – the whole business of centralisation and uniformity in admissions. Now, think about it. If every school within a MAT decided to do their own thing, that would negate one of the key benefits of being in a MAT, operational efficiencies. It’s like each one trying to invent the wheel all over again. And honestly, who’s got the time or resources for that?

So, here’s a thought. What if you organise all that data collection at the MAT level and then cascade the process down? This way, you’re not just talking about making life simpler (which, let’s face it, we all want), but you’re also looking at some serious financial savings. Sharing application forms, communications and documentation to send out just makes sense. This centralised approach has a big impact. It keeps things consistent, accurate, and efficient – all those good things we love.

But the thing is, it’s not just about the practical perks. It’s about what this approach says about you as a trust. It shows you’re on the ball, you value efficiency, and you’re all about making sure every minute counts. And in the grand scheme of things, that’s not just smart; it’s essential.

3. Maximising Funding Through Admissions

You know, funding is pretty much the heartbeat of any educational setup, and for MATs, making sure your schools are brimming with students and that you have the relevant data in your MIS for the census is key to locking in that all-important funding! This cash injection is what lets you give your students the best possible educational experience they deserve.

Now, getting your ducks in a row during admissions means that when it’s time to submit your numbers for the census, they’re spot on. This accuracy is crucial because it means you’re getting every penny due.

Here’s where something like Admissions+ comes into play. It’s a bit of a lifesaver, really, making sure you’re as efficient as can be. This efficiency isn’t just about making your staff lives easier; it’s about ensuring that every seat filled in your academies translates into the funds you need. After all, it’s these resources that let you do what you do best – educate.

But the thing is, it’s more than just numbers and figures; it’s about what this funding allows you to achieve. It’s the difference between a good educational experience and an outstanding one. So, yeah, making sure you nail the admissions process? It’s not just admin – it’s the foundation of everything you aim to achieve.

4. Decreasing Staff Workload and Saving Costs

OK, so the fourth problem I’ve seen MATs face is around staff. Honestly, with the workload crisis piling up in the state education sector, it’s something we just can’t ignore any longer. MATs are in a unique position here, needing to find clever ways to ease the load off incredible staff. And believe it or not, something as seemingly mundane as centralising the admissions process can make a world of difference. It takes a heap of admin off the team’s plate.

Now, here’s a little nugget of information that might surprise you. Did you know primary schools are pouring around 300 hours and £3,745 each year into admissions alone? I mean, that’s a lot of time and money that could be channeled into something more impactful for your students.

By pulling together and streamlining admissions, MATs can do more than just boost staff morale and cut costs. We’re talking about freeing up resources to pour back into areas that directly touch your students’ learning journeys and outcomes.

But here’s where it gets personal. Reflecting on my own journey, I’ve seen firsthand the difference it makes when you take something off your team’s plate. It’s not just the sighs of relief or the smiles as their workload is decreased. It is you saying to your staff that you hear their concerns and you want to arm them with the best possible tools to do their job effectively. Lets face it, as outlined above, school admissions is seriously important, you want to make sure that you are getting it right for both the students and your staff.

Will Conolly