
3rd Year for Birchwood High

Lucy Brook

Published in Applicaa | November 24, 2020

Why we looked at Admissions+

This is the 3rd year that we have used Admissions+ and it is hard to remember a time without it!

Previously we had paper applications which students would hand in in-person or send back via the post. We would often have people ringing the school to make sure we had received their application form. Some would get lost in the post and not even be received by the school.

Admissions+ prevents this from happening.

Students now get an automated confirmation email once their application has been submitted which has reduced the amount of administration time in our office considerably. All the time-consuming back and forth emailing students and parents is no longer needed because they now receive an automatic email from the system to confirm that the school has received their application.

Being able to see at a glance which students have started an application but not completed it is great because we can now easily send reminders as the deadline approaches.

It’s great to be able to see a live snapshot of how many applicants we have and what subjects students are opting for. It is also fantastic when you need to send a message out to a group of students, so quick and easy.

Admissions without Admissions+

Previously with paper applications, we would have to make a spreadsheet from scratch, entering all the details from their applications, this was extremely time-consuming and also left room for error if data was entered incorrectly.

With Admissions+ all the data is there immediately, the downloads allow you to create reports instantly which is user-friendly and quick.

The Set-up Process

Communication is easy and any issues are solved rapidly by Admissions+ who are very quick. It did take a little while to set up the first year and get used to the new system, however, the training videos and webinars really help. There are constant updates that are always improving the system and help videos walk you through how to use it.

Overall I am thrilled with the system and we will definitely continue to use it.

Key Benefits

In the past, we would send out letters to applicants with their interview times and ask them to confirm whether they could make it. Many would not make contact but still turn up, some would not show up on the day or claim they never received the invitation letter.

The fact that now we can see if students or parents have opened the email is great because we know it has been delivered and opened.

Our old system meant we used paper-based records for all our interviews by making notes on paper and attaching it to the student’s application form. With Admissions+ it is effortless to set up interviews and students can respond quickly to accept or decline the meeting time. We have seen a reduction in ‘no-shows’ for interviews because the students now know when to turn up.

Interviewers can now log in and have everything they need in front of them. The amount of paper saved is amazing!

We have definitely seen an increase in numbers and have more students on roll in Year 12 this year than we have the past couple of years.

Enrolment Day Using Admissions+

With Enrolment day we probably haven’t used every aspect yet and new features are being added all the time. It works really well for what we need. We have good simple systems in place for results day which the Head of Sixth Form and Assistant Deputy have used for a number of years and works really well.

The past couple of years, once students have collected their results and verbally confirmed their place with a member of senior staff they are then asked to log in to complete the enrolment form. This has always worked really well and we haven’t had any issues doing it this way, especially this year when we needed to keep the site as clear as possible to minimise contact.

Once they have verbally confirmed their place they are able to leave the site and complete the enrolment form at home. I’m kept up to date with who has confirmed their place so it is very easy for me to keep an eye on enrolment numbers and chase those who need to complete the form.

We’ve also had some walk-ins on the day of enrolment. We can now manage this too by a member of senior staff checking their results certificates and confirming that we can offer them a place. This has been a smooth process with no issues.

Overall, Admissions+ has saved us a huge amount of time and a huge amount of paper!

For more information on Admissions+, please visit

Lucy Brook
Lucy Brook

Hello, my name is Lucy, I look after marketing and operations for Applicaa and have worked in education sector marketing since 2012. I have three senior school-age children and have experienced the application process to a variety of different schools over the years including in the UK and the USA and across different stages from nursery to sixth form and different types of schools including state, grammar, and independent.