Maximising Student Numbers in Challenging Economic Times

Maximising Student Numbers in Challenging Economic Times

Over the next decade, school pupil numbers are set to fall in both primary and secondary settings, with primary numbers falling more dramatically. Projections show a drop of around 30,000 primary school pupils between 2020 and 2026, plus a decline in the number of...
5% of Your Post-16 Bursary Fund Can Be Spent on Admin Costs

5% of Your Post-16 Bursary Fund Can Be Spent on Admin Costs

The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has outlined its 2022/23 academic year guidance for schools managing 16 to 19 bursary funds. Contained within this guidance is the advice that schools can use up to 5% of their academic year’s allocation on...
Ensure Your School Meets ESFA Audits on Post-16 Bursary Funding

Ensure Your School Meets ESFA Audits on Post-16 Bursary Funding

Through feedback from the schools we work with, we have gained a strong understanding of the process involved in administering post-16 bursaries for 6th Form students in maintained sector schools. Many schools informed us that the process is time-consuming and carries...